DrJobpro Poll: 75% of Employees Support Caregiving Hours For Women


Women are blessed with multi-tasking ability and no one can deny this. With home, kids and career it becomes difficult for them to have some time of their own. In the current situation, when the world is working from home do female workers require that special attention?

At Drjobpro we did a poll on what people thought? If it is required that female employees take caregiving hours during work. Three thousand five hundred people participated, 75% believe that it is necessary, 18% wonder why only women, and 8% think it is not required at all.

Whether you are a parent or you are not, caregiving has different forms. You may be offering it to any of your beloved ones, such as your parents, your kids, or even your siblings. Being a caregiver is not an easy mission, and it requires a lot of effort and patience; that’s why here in Dr. Job, we introduce you some tips to balance your duty as a caregiver and your work life.

  1. Believe that you are doing such an excellent job
    Do not underestimate what you are doing. Having both roles as a caregiver and an employee at the same time is extremely difficult. It also takes a lot of courage to be responsible. Be kind to yourself and appreciate what you are doing for both your beloved ones and your society in the first place.
  2. Have a healthy diet
    Your body is exerting an extra effort every day. It would be best if you gave it the support it needs. Having a healthy diet has a significant effect on both your physical and mental health. Do not go for extreme food diets. Just give your body all the elements it needs. Have a balanced breakfast that includes protein, vitamins, and carbohydrates. Do not forget about drinking enough water, as it helps to keep you active all the time.
  3. Make a plan
    Having an organized process of thought makes everything way more manageable. Project your thoughts on a paper. You can also have your notebook that has your daily to-do list. Prioritize your tasks. Also, do not forget to have a backup plan. It helps reduce the anxiety of any unexpected events or any surprises that may ruin your day. You can get a nice-looking notebook that makes you feel good about the tasks you perform. Do not also mind decorating it with whatever makes you feel comfortable.
  4. Share your thoughts and feelings
    Tell your workmates about your daily struggle. Do not be ashamed of your responsibility. You could inquire about your workplace policy about caregivers. Discuss with your managers, in case you face any problems. They may be flexible when it comes to caregiving policies. Share your new ideas and suggestions. Ask for the help of your work colleagues if anything comes up. You may also find other caregivers that give you tips based on their experience.
  5. Keep your work-life balance
    We know how hard it is to keep the balance between your work life and personal life in being a caregiver, but it is essential to try your best for this matter. Letting work problems affect your personal life is going to make the caregiving responsibility even harder. Also, letting your issues decrease your work productivity is going to make you feel disappointed. Try to switch off the work part in your head once you check-out. When you check-in on the next day, switch off the amount of your personal problem. This is how you can make more balance.
    If you are a caregiver, share your experience with us in the comments.
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