First Job Interview: 20 Tips to Ace It as A College Student|


First Job Interview- Nowadays, college students are typically in the same position as job seekers: looking for a job. Whether it's part-time for money or to start a career, they should be interviewing.

But the question is: How does one prepare to go on an interview while still in college? Should college students put off interviewing until their senior or after they graduate? Is it okay to put off looking for a job until then?

Interviewing is one of the most important things you can do in your college career. How you present yourself is just as important as what you say. Both play a role in whether or not you'll end up with the job, so make sure to read these tips before your big interview!

First Job Interview Tips

List Your Top Skills

List Your Top Skills- First job interview
How do you sell yourself as a potential hire? There are many ways. The most direct route is to list your top five skills in the job application. It's a good way to layout the essential qualities you bring to the table instead of the things that might make you a great hire but aren't actually job-related. The next step is to develop those qualities in an essay or essay-like form. Many hiring managers ask for résumés before they even look at an applicant's application. Use examples from your own work and how you actually performed to demonstrate the skills you are seeking.

The hiring manager will also want to know what skills you have acquired outside the job, whether they relate to the job or not.

This helps you demonstrate that you'll add value both to the company and to your future self.

Find Out Why the Job is A Good Fit for You

Find Out Why the Job is A Good Fit for You- First job interview
There are many ways to gain useful experience and gain insight into a field if you are a student. However, some people find it hard to explain how this benefit can be achieved. The more time you look for a job, the more likely you will get one once you graduate. That's why each person needs to be honest with themselves.

You must state convincingly how the position will further your career goals or help you fulfill your academic goals.

If you are applying for a paid internship or a job where the starting point is a volunteer role, be sure to show how your involvement in the position will help you advance your career goals or qualifications.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Practice, Practice, Practice- First Job Interview
The best way to learn is to do.

Mock interviews are a great way to practice for the real thing. It's a chance to practice the answers you'll provide in a real interview. It's a chance to see how people react when you give them specific answers instead of generalities.

Make sure you answer all the required questions correctly (and answer them in the same order).

Also, practice providing general answers when speaking with someone else -- it's not effective if you don't fully acknowledge the viewpoints of others.

Preparing beforehand allows you to be more relaxed about the interviewing process and helps you get into a good mood if you do secure the job.

Pick A Perfect Date and Time

Pick A Perfect Date and Time- First Job Interview
The most important thing to remember when scheduling an interview is to make sure you have the right day and time. Keep in mind that it's not the actual day or time that matters, but rather what day and time gives you the most flexibility.

For example, if you have a task that needs to be completed at 5 p.m., you're going to have a hard time getting the task completed on time if you schedule your interview at noon.

On the other hand, if you have an essential interview at 1 p.m., but don't want to wake up early, then a 3 o'clock start time could be ideal. This is one part of the job application process where you can really shine.

Write Down Your Interviewer's Contact Details

Write Down Your Interviewer's Contact Details- First Job Interview
Have the interviewer's contact details available so that you can easily stay in touch should an emergency arise. Many job candidates don't realize how important contact info is until it's too late, and they have to start communicating with someone quickly.

Contact info should include name, job title, department, mailing address, and phone number. Make sure you also have your email address to be contacted if your interview is canceled or if you change your mind about participating in the interview.

Dress for The Job You Want

Dress for The Job You Want- First Job Interview
For a lot of students, the thought of going to an interview wearing jeans and a t-shirt is unlikely. But wearing a dress or outfit that makes you look professional can go a long way with potential employers. Try to find an outfit where you can break from your regular routine but still looks professional.

Take Many Copies of Your Resume

Take Many Copies of Your Resume- First Job Interview
Having more than one copy of everything you apply for is a good idea. It can save time if one copy doesn't work.

If there are multiple offers on the table, having different versions of your resume will help the hiring manager decide which one to go with.

Silence Your Phone

Silence Your Phone- first job interview
Most people are unaware of how much their phone affects them physically. When it's not on silent, it becomes more difficult for you to concentrate on what's being said or done because you can't hear what's going on around you.

It's the same with your phone during interviews. It can be distracting and difficult to focus on if you're constantly getting notifications from various sources.

Go to The Interview Alone

Go to The Interview Alone- first job interview
With a seat saved for you, you should go into the meeting room by yourself. This is not just a matter of "employee culture," but more importantly, it is about you demonstrating good interview etiquette.

You do not want to leave your interviewer with a lasting impression that you are erratic so arrive on time and alone to your interview.

Set The Ideal Schedule

Set The Ideal Schedule- First job interview
This is an integral part of the job application process. When you can see how many hours you may be expected to work over the school year, you can plan out your available time.

If you can't predict when classes will be held or when they will be convenient for you to attend, it isn't easy to take on additional work.

Send A Thank-you Message

Send A Thank-you Message- first job interview
Thank-you messages are an easy way to build good connections and build your reputation as an interviewer. They show you care about the company you're applying to and want to work for them.

Many job seekers fail to thank their potential employers in the job interviews because they are embarrassed or afraid of being low quality.

Remember! Showing the interviewer that you appreciate what they have done will make you successful in getting the job.

Be Positive

Be Positive- first job interview
Being positive helps you appear more competent to employers. When people see that you're striving for success instead of panicking or shutting down, they can better understand how you'll react in these stressful times.

When you're positive, you're more likely to get a job offer.

The best way to improve your chances of getting a job is to eliminate as many obstacles as possible.

Prioritize your top goals and determine how you'll get there. Put your best foot forward and show employers that you're on track.

Prepare Your Stories

Prepare Your Stories- first job interview
Stories are powerful because they tap into our emotions. We recall key points because they so profoundly affect us.

Don't just talk about your skills, but prove them through situations. When you create powerful stories, people will notice them and remember them.

Not only will these stories remind people of what they already know, but they'll also persuade people to take action (even when they aren't otherwise inclined).

Watch Your Body Language

Watch Your Body Language- first job interview
The most important thing to remember when applying for a job as a college student is what not to do. Your behavior in the interview will directly affect whether or not you get the job.

How you carry yourself is the biggest hint as to how the employer will perceive you. For example, if you are overly nervous and exhibit signs of nerves, employers will likely not hire you.

Try to make eye contact with anyone during the interview or at the end. Keep your voice low and speak quickly when speaking to any interviewer (especially the hiring manager).

Ask Questions

Ask Questions- first job interview
How to ask questions in job interviews is a balancing act. It's important to show you're willing to learn and interested in the position, but interviewing is a conversation, not a test.

Expand Your Network

Expand Your Network- first job interview
Simply put – networking is key in job hunting. However, most people find themselves limiting themselves to networking at business events. It may be the case that you've only candidates within your hometown or even small town.

In such cases, you should remember that a lot more can be done by simply spending quality time with individuals outside your area.

The more you travel or simply stay connected with people outside your area, the more likely new opportunities will present themselves.

Research the Company

Research the Company- first job interview
It is vital to find out about the company before going to the interview, even if you feel wonderful and perfect.

Researching beforehand clarifies what is expected of you as an applicant and helps you avoid unpleasant surprises during the interview process.

It is also important to know the hiring process since this can affect how carefully you should approach the work.

Anticipate Questions You'll Be Asked

Anticipate Questions You'll Be Asked- first job interviw
Students are often asked a lot of questions by hiring managers. This is normal and expected. Many employers want to meet with applicants in person to find out more about them and decide whether they are a good fit for the position.

As a candidate, you should prepare questions in advance so that you are ready to answer them when they are brought up.

Feel Confident, and Be Nice

Feel Confident, and Be Nice - first job interview
Identifying how much confidence you need in an interview will hinge on a few factors: How much time have you had to prepare? Are you familiar with the company? What have you done recently to demonstrate that you're a high-potential hire?

The more you are prepared, the more you'll feel confident while going into the interview.

Feel free to experiment with different tactics to showcase your unique skills. But make sure you're not just pretending to be confident; actually, be it.

Arrive on time

Arrive on time- first job interview
Before you even get in the interview, you must show up on time. It doesn't matter if you're late for the start of the interview or a few minutes late. You'll only be hired if you show up on time and do everything you're supposed to do.

And if you break any of the rules or regulations, you can be sacked on the spot. So make sure you do everything you can to make sure your arrival time is set. When in Rome, do as the Romans do!

A great interview is more than just having all of the right answers; it's about making a positive impression on the person doing the hiring.


The more job interview you experience, the better you'll feel when it's time to sit down in front of the actual recruiter and answer their questions.

Get as much experience as possible before you graduate; You can do at least one interview to find out for yourself what goes on behind the scenes.