8 Freelance Statistics That Might Surprise You


Freelance industries have recently taken a broader chance in the job market, especially after the breakout of COVID-19. Here are some statistics that might be surprising for you.

1- Almost 30 million freelancers are long-term oriented.

2- 31% of freelancers earn $75,000+ a year.

3- There are 57 million freelancers in the US.

4- Working from home improves performance by 13%.

5- 30% of freelance writers make under $10 per hour during their first year.

6- Men make four times more money than women in freelancing.

7- 91% of freelancers think the future of the profession is bright.

8- Half of the working US population will turn to freelance work over the next five years.

If you know any other interesting statistics, please share them in the comments.

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