Three Cases It's Okay to Feel Bored at Work


Your alarm is ringing, and you're going to work, checking in, starting your computer, browsing through emails, reviewing your to-do tasks, starting your first task, getting bored, opening your phone, and starting scrolling through your friends' Facebook posts.

Five minutes later, you are playing PUBG, and … One minute? What is happening? Do you really have that low cognitive ability, or you're like many other employees … just bored?

Researchers found that 55% of millennials aren't engaged at work. So, you're not the only one who is staring at the clock every 10 minutes or desperately scrolling down his social media accounts. But this is not an excuse to leave yourself in this state of feeling extreme boredom.

You may accomplish your tasks and find nothing to do, or you may still have too many tasks to do, but you've no power or passion for starting working. In both cases, you feel boredom.

Actually, this results in what' psychologists called " Active disengagement." According to a poll conducted by Gallup, 16% of employees have this familiar feeling at work.

This happens when you start doing things that are totally unuseful and unproductive at work, like looking for another job, start online shopping, watching DIY videos. If you do this, you'll complain about another additional problem: "never getting your tasks done."

Stop doing this immediately! How? If you're totally out of the work mode and don't want to do even very easy tasks, ask yourself a question: "Why am I still here?" maybe it's time now to quit your job, or it also may be time to change your perspective.

Boredom drives our lives; all negative feelings stem out from being bored. So, pay attention when feeling bored to the bigger picture and define what's the real problem.

Here are three cases when it's okay to feel bored at work (and how to overcome them)

If It's Not Your Dream Job

We all have life needs that oblige us to work. Maybe you're working 40 hours/week in a job that you don't like, It's Okay, but you've to spend some time after your long workday doing something you want. You can start freelancing, take more courses, develop new talents, or learn new skills to help you open the doors for your dream job.

Think about it. You may don't really hate your job (learn here how to love your job). Goes back to that moment when you accepted the job offer and remember why you accept it. It may not have ended up the way you dreamed, but there's always something you could do to define more engagement reasons.

Try to find a new skill you want to learn or a new creative strategy you want to follow to streamline your workday.

Speak to your manager about assigning new different tasks or getting involved in training programs on new technologies. Take the initiative and be proactive.

If You Don't Like Specific Tasks

If you don't like the task
We all have that task or project that we don't like to work on. This doesn't mean that all your job duties are imperfect. Try to outsource this monotonous task to another coworker or work with a team on it. If there's no way to get rid of it, try to find more creative ways to accomplish it, Adopt a more positive perspective.

You can also set a schedule putting this less favorite task at the beginning of the day so that you could finish it before that feeling of boredom come and visit you.

If You've Too Much Idle Time

If You've Too Much Idle Time
Every job has ups and downs. But when downtimes are too much, here's the problem. You have these days when you're a busy bee having no time to think about any other thing, but sometimes you sit free for hours until you start yourself "Why I am at work today?" then you begin to think about your night movie, your favorite lunch meal, and your chat with your friend last night. These days, you are also very occupied, but only mentally. You do counterproductive tasks that have nothing useful for work.

Take advantage of this downtime to relax from the days of the endless tasks, requests, and emails and be ready for the next busy days.

You can learn a new Excel formula that could save you more time when translating a sheet of 2000 columns next time. Set your monthly report. Ask your coworker to teach you something new. It will be a win-win situation for yourself and the employer. You'll save the company time in learning a new valuable skill.

Four practical tips to apply when you feel bored at work

Hold Your Feeling

We all experience those days of boredom, and naturally, we try to overcome this by being busier or distract ourselves with other things. The result will be a temporary relief. Defining the problem is half the solution. Think about why you actually feel like this? What makes you unsatisfied with your job? Hold these feelings by switching off your work mode and think about what you really want to do or achieve at work.

Think More About Others

Researchers found that 88% of award-winning influencers started their achievements by asking, "what impact could I create that other people would love?".

In most cases, our boredom results from thinking only about ourselves: how miserable my life is, I don't love my job, and many other discouraging thoughts. Instead, start thinking about your "impact" what influence you could leave on others' lives? How can you have a considerable positive impact on your community?

Challenge Yourself

Challenging yourself is a great way to find achievements and leave a real impact. Monotonous days are the most common cause of boredom.

People always try to find the external motivation to overcome this monotony- they start to think about a new job, a raise, a promotion, or a manager who supports and expresses appreciation. Yet, the real motivation comes from inside. Challenge yourself to achieve more sales targets or accomplish more tasks in record time. Surprisingly, when you start challenging yourself, you'll automatically find the external motivations happen (a new role, a raise, …etc.).

Wait for Boredom! It Will Come Again

You should be totally sure that even after sticking to all these tips, boredom will happen again and again… it's life (a roller coaster). When you're bored at work, it's merely an alert sign that you shouldn't neglect. It might mean that you lack a purpose in your life. Learn how to make a switch to help you feel positive about your job and your life again to save your mental health and well-being.

Finally, it's really Okay to feel bored with your job due to your daily routine and repetitive tasks. Whether it's your normal state to be bored at work or you only have that feeling these days, boredom is sending you a message that you've to reconsider your goals and seek your internal peace first.

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