Working on Eid Al-Fitr? 11 Tips to Balance Celebration and Work


According to a poll we did on LinkedIn, 26% of participants said they would be working on Eid Al-Fitr, 42% said they would work and take a break, and 32% said they would take a complete break.

As most of us remember, Eid Al Fitr has made us all happy as kids. We used to go to Al-Eid prayer, receive candy and money, and play with our cousins and friends. Sadly, those days have gone by, and we're now obliged to work even during Eid.

Although adult life can be exhausting, you can also make the best out of it and celebrate it even when you have work.

How can you balance celebration and work during Eid Al-Fitr?

Dr. Job has the answer to that question by introducing the following tips for you.

1- If possible, begin your workday sooner.

You can start your day so that you complete your job earlier if you operate on a flexible schedule.

Read also, 6 Ways to Earn Extra Money During Eid al-Fitr

So, rather than sleeping in during the holidays, make an effort to wake up early in the morning — for example, around 6:00 a.m. or 6:30 a.m.

Develop the habit of eating a healthy breakfast, do a few brief exercises to re-energize yourself, and attempt to go to work by 7:00 a.m.

If you have to work a set number of hours every day, you'll always be done by 3:00 p.m. this way. You'll probably finish all of the tasks you've set for the day without feeling rushed.

2- Avoid multitasking as much as possible.

Professionals should be able to work on many projects simultaneously, but just as you must separate your professional and personal chores, you must determine which projects are multitask-friendly.

 You may believe that rushing through work would spare you time for Eid Al-Fitr preparation, but in the end, speeding through work raises your chances of making a mistake. Trying to jam two or three projects into one day is never a good idea.

You'll waste more time if this happens and you have to repeat the task. So, if you have a lot of big jobs coming up, do them one at a time to get the most out of your time.

3- Take a couple of days off, at the very least.

Just since you'll be working throughout Eid Al-Fitr doesn't mean you shouldn't take some vacation time before or after.

If you have a few vacation days remaining, make the most of them by doing early holiday shopping and spending quality time with your family and friends.

If you have enough time, you might be able to fit in a couple of days at a remote spa resort or a cold mountain chalet.

When you return to the workplace, you'll feel at least a little bit fresh and energized, hence more likely to perform daily activities productively.

4- Organize your to-do list.

Before the Celebration rush starts and you're searching for methods to keep focused at work, sit down with a pen and paper, make two columns, and write down everything you need to get done.

After there, plan a few tasks for each day based on your thoughts.

Nothing appears as horrible on paper as it does in your head. Having a detailed list of duties can help you relax, and breaking down your to-do list into smaller chunks will make it easier to handle.

5- Don't be unreasonable.

The fact is that not everyone can entirely disengage from work over the holiday.

You must set boundaries if you fall into this group. If your job's future depends on you replying or checking emails during the holidays, do it!

However, make sure that it is required and not use it as an excuse to avoid working.

You should also consider how your loved ones would respond if you opt not to take time off during Eid Al-Fitr.

You must realize that by making them anxious and furious, you are causing extra stress. Is it worth it?

6- Try to stay away from overcommitting.

It might be challenging to think about working with all workplace and family parties, client gatherings, or friend plans.

Ensure your Eid Al-Fitr activities are prioritized and balanced with your job obligations.

Don't feel obligated to attend every lunch meeting, family gathering, or company party you're asked to. Saying no can help you stay focused at work and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

7- Remove yourself from any sources of distraction.

That approach is helpful for everyone dealing with job distractions, but it is beneficial for those who work from home. Working from home has its drawbacks, even when it's not the holiday season, but the issues multiply throughout Eid Al-Fitr.

The key is to separate oneself as much as possible from aural distractions.

If you have a distinct workspace, you're already ahead of the game: simply closing the door to your home office will generally suppress annoying noises. Plus, it's unlikely that members of your home would disturb you (and the cat won't be able to sneak in).

If you live in a small flat, though, you won't be able to separate yourself from the rest of your family.

Most, if not all, noise should be blocked.

 In any case, investing in noise-canceling headphones is strongly suggested. Turn them on and set up a white noise generator app or listen to some productivity-boosting music (or do both, for the best effect).

8- Take good care of your mind and body.

Exercising is a terrific method to cleanse your thoughts and keep distractions at bay while at work.

If your Eid Al-Fitr obligations restrict you from going to the gym, there are still methods to stay active in your routine: Have lunch in the park or take a walk around the office building.

 Instead of taking the elevator, park your car further away from the entrance and take the steps. At the office, try out the standing desk.

Take advantage of each opportunity to get up and move about.

Remember to look after your mind as well. Consider meditating or doing yoga. These exercises are excellent for reducing stress and maintaining attention.

Push yourself to get at least six hours of sleep every night, even if it means you'll have to wait until the next day to finish wrapping gifts.

 You'll feel more awake and invigorated in the morning if you get enough sleep, which will help you stay productive at work.

9- Reduce the amount of time you spend on your devices.

Technology has an impact on every part of our life in this day.

When we want to disconnect from work, technology pulls us back. Being connected raises tension and anxiety levels in the body, making it difficult to relax, especially if you constantly get work-related messages.

 Logging out of your work emails or even muting your work-related alerts might help you disengage from work.

Alternatively, you might fully detach from electronics and adopt an analog routine over the holidays.

10- Consider the positive.

Eid Al-Fitr is all about happiness, being with family and friends, and enjoying a break after Ramadan.

You'll be more focused on your work and able to enjoy Eid Al- Fitr if you're less stressed about the holidays.

Furthermore, staying happy throughout Eid Al-Fitr might significantly impact your performance.

11- Enjoy yourself by doing what you love.

 When you take time off during Eid Al-Fitr to disconnect from work, you'll have plenty of free time to enjoy the exciting activities and destinations you've been putting off.

Make use of this opportunity to pursue your interests.

What are the chances? You could even uncover new interests or abilities that you didn't know you had.