The Ghostbuster's Guide to Following Up with an Unresponsive Recruiter|


Unresponsive Recruiters! No doubt you know that "perseverance" is the password in today's job market where you have to always be at your "best" to get a great job.

With the global pandemic taking its toll on the worldwide economy, we no longer have the luxury of waiting for a dream job to come. We have become obligated to take precautions to protect ourselves from infection with "lethargy" and "passion loss," strengthen our immunity to resist obstacles, and enjoy a personal brand that speaks for itself; We become distinguished, successful people with the power to elevate us to the top of our field.

Let's say you pay attention to this advice and become the perfect job seeker; Having a strong CV that highlights experiences and skills, the most attractive cover letter, and brilliance in the interview to the extent that you guarantee getting the job because of the qualifications you have shown that make you ideal for the position, but...

You keep waiting for a response, waiting for it, and then waiting for it, and nothing but "dead silence"!

It may feel like you've been waiting forever for a potential employer to get back to you. And you start to think about what you might have done wrong during the interview: Did I look bad? Or am I mispronouncing a specific word? Or did they find someone better than me? Or did they accept me for the position, but the response will be delayed?

Questions, guesses, overthinking, lack of enthusiasm - negative things that you suffer from because the recruiter is late or never responds, and that's where we come in!

 Try the following tips to calm your mind when a recruiter doesn't call you back as soon as you expected!

Tips to following up with unresponsive recruiters:

Why Do You Never Hear Back from Recruiters After Interviews?

Why Do You Never Hear Back from Recruiters After Interviews
Recruiters have a hard time managing their tasks with endless responsibilities. The hiring process for a specific job can take months or even years, but as a job seeker, you can make a memorable impression and ensure that your name appears among the first candidates for the position.

Here are some reasons why recruiters don't respond after the interview:

  • Continuity of conducting interviews
  • The recruiter is waiting for the employer's feedback
  • The recruiter is preoccupied with other HR tasks
  • You did not pass the job interview

Realize the Situation

Realize the Situation
Even though you feel hopeless about the long and tiring job search journey, you must be patient and realize the recruiter's responsibilities.

A recruiter faces a complex hiring process and meets dozens, if not hundreds, of candidates for a single job, so don't expect to receive a response within a few hours after the interview or even within a day. The optimal period is between 7-14 days, after which you can follow up if you do not receive a response.

So be realistic and put things in context! If the recruiter doesn't tell you when you expect to receive a call or email from them during the interview, feel free to ask him at the end of the interview (but keep your conversation enthusiastic and don't convey your sense of desperation or need for the job!).

Be Polite and Professional in All Forms of Communication

Be Polite and Professional in All Forms of Communication
If it's been two weeks and you haven't received a response, call the company or send an email.

Show your enthusiasm for the position and the value you can add, and keep your message short and polite.

When communicating with a recruiter, be sure to give your best shot. Use clear and precise language, and keep your message short and straight to the point. Don't be too emotional; Just stick to the facts.

If you plan to communicate on the phone, it's wise to write the text of your message in advance so that you don't appear nervous or blunt with anxiety.

It is essential to leave your contact information so that the person can respond if he wishes.

Be Sure to Only Contact the Recruiter Once—and Don't Try Again

Be sure to only contact the recruiter once—and don't try again
Once you choose to follow up with an employer, it's in your best interest to allow at least a few weeks to pass before reaching out again. Although you may be waiting for the perfect job to come along, it's never a great idea to place all your eggs in one basket. Focus on other opportunities until you hear back from them—then dive into this opportunity head first.

Example Responses If You Do Not Hear Back After an Interview

Example responses if you do not hear back after an interview

Example 1:

Subject Line: Re: Interview on Sunday at 12:00 p.m.


Hi, __________.

I am writing to follow up on the interview we had on ___________.

I was very interested in the position and was excited about the possibility of being considered for this role. I understand that your organization is conducting a thorough review of candidates and hope to hear back from you soon.

Have a great day!


Your name

Example 2:

Hi [First Name],

I hope you are well.

I am still very interested in working for [company name]. I am writing to follow up on our phone interview last week and to inquire about the position. I really enjoyed speaking with you and think I would be an excellent fit for this position.

If possible, could you please let me know your thoughts on my candidacy? I will remain in contact until I hear back from you.


Your name

The competition in the job market is very fierce, and you have to do your best to shine. Among the ways to brilliance maintain "good behavior;" If the recruiter doesn't respond, don't lose your temper or despair!

Stay calm and communicate professionally to ensure you receive a response or make a good impression. In any case, you will not get a job that is not for you, and your job is waiting for you (even if you do not reach it now, you will reach it on time).

Be Proactive and