6 ways to Develop Your Emotional intelligence for better productivity


Let's admit it:

Productivity has been an important feature and a buzzword in today's modern workplace.

If you want to achieve your tasks above and beyond? Learn how to be productive. Want to earn more money and have more than one job? Increase your level of productivity. Do you want to be successful? Productivity is all that you need.

Articles published about productivity, Blogs dedicated to discussing only productivity, online courses to teach you how to be productive.

Every day you hear words like professional productivity. You find your coworkers highly active and influential. You want to be like or better than them: You exert double effort searching for ways to increase your competitiveness and performance.

You don't feel any improvement while following some productivity-boosting strategies. So, Where's the problem?

The problem is,

When you indulge in a race to be more productive, it transforms into a relentless state of mental tension (emotional stress) and over-analysis of each action they take. So, instead of blind rationalism, you've to keep a smooth emotional state.

You must consider and regulate the feelings to enact productivity and performance as well. Here comes the role of Emotional intelligence (EI).

What is the definition of Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and control one's own and others' feelings.

This simple definition had developed into something more complicated after 1990 when Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer published an article. They defined it as "The power to monitor one's own and others' thoughts and emotions, to differentiate among them, and to use this knowledge to direct one's thought and actions." They referred to it as a subset of relational intelligence that helps one understand and control others' feelings.

What are the components of Emotional Intelligence?

  • Self-awareness: it entails the ability to understand one's own feelings.
  • Self-management: it entails the ability to monitor one's own feelings.
  • Social awareness: it means you are conscious of the interpersonal dynamics that are active in society.
  • Relationship Management: it entails helping others develop, inspiring others to improve, and resolving personal and community problems.

What is the relationship between emotional intelligence and productivity?

Sometimes you can see a professionally-awarded person, a great leader, a multi-tasker who can study, work, and build a happy family simultaneously and then start asking yourself how did he manage to accomplish all these things? What are his additional skills? Is he a superhero?

The answer is: Emotional intelligence is his superpower.

How does productivity help people to succeed?

Emotional intelligent people to:

  1. Achieve goals faster
  2. Enjoy excellent communication skills
  3. Be more creative, rational, and intelligent
  4. Be great leaders as they're able to control others' feelings
So, why not improve your EI to have more power over your productivity?

How to boost productivity with emotional intelligence?

  •  Familiarize yourself with the idea of emotional intelligence and its impact on your productivity and performance.
  • Evaluate your emotional intelligence level by conducting tests.
  • Listen to podcasts that will help you develop your emotional intelligence.
  • Alternatively, you can select some other videos, articles, or workshops on the subject. It can empower you and provide you with tips for growing your productivity.
  • Be society-oriented; help others, volunteer, participate in charitable work. Yet, don't do this for the sake of anything, except being a real human. Act sincerely!
  • Set a professional work setting, even if you're working from home. Being away from distractions helps in being more comfortable physically and psychologically, which will boost your creativity, analytical thinking, and productivity.

What other factors help you control your emotions?

Emotional intelligence is a mechanism that needs time to create. Focus on self-awareness and self-control to boost success because they can help you prioritize your ideas, aspirations, and strategies for having more emotional control and time management.

Developing Self-awareness tips

Pay attention to your body

To maintain productivity, you may spend the whole of your life ignoring the concept of "your health is any investment, not an expense," ignoring your body's signs, and you'll feel more stressed, tense, and not productive.

Link between your feelings and thoughts

Your emotion matters. It's essential to balance between your mind and your heart; ask yourself: "How do I feel about this? Will it make me better? Will it boost my productivity? Shall I try to control this feeling to be more productive?"

Understand your unconscious mind

Try practices like free associations, dream analysis, and writing down your emotions. This will help you to focus on your inner self and improve productivity.

Practice self-talks

Realize the importance of asking yourself in the morning, "How do I feel today?" and score your happiness on a 0-100 scale. Then consider why you're feeling that way and how it's affecting your mood and productivity. Consider the connections that it elicits. Is there something you can do to help make things better?

Other actionable practices that highly affect your self-awareness and help you be more productive are: meditation, reading, writing, learning how to say 'No,' asking for feedback, and many other ways to follow and find positive results.

How to improve self-management?

  1. Make a list of your values. Knowing your values and principles will help you be more friendly and make quicker decisions.
  2. Align your behavior to your values.
  3. Treat people as you like to be treated
  4. Be honest and admit your mistake when found

To conclude,

Now you've revealed the secrets of having a powerful emotional intelligence. It takes something more than intelligence to act intelligently. Start following these tips now, and you'll enjoy higher productivity levels, leading to higher positions. This will bring power to your life.

Utilize this power in searching for a new role where you can be a leader who forms a connection with people at an emotional level, Start Applying Now!