How to Ask for a Raise: Best Ways (with examples)


Do you need to ask for a raise at your job? Does it make you feel anxious thinking about it? 

It's always great to ask for a raise or find a new job if you think you deserve a better salary for your efforts. 

Read also, 14 Ways to Raise Your Voice as A Woman at Work|

You might feel anxious about either of these options, yet they both open up new possibilities. 

At some point, you should take a step and talk about your requests, as your boss may not be aware of your dissatisfaction unless you bring it up. 

Today, Dr. Job Pro is here to help you ask for a raise and convince your manager. 

Here are ten ways to ask for a raise with examples. 

1- Know that it's okay to ask 

Asking for a raise may make you apprehensive, but your manager is probably not as concerned as you are. Salary is something they deal with daily; therefore, it won't be as stressful for them as it is for you. 

Your boss should know that it's usual for employees to as for a raise.  

Even if your boss finally rejects your request, you're unlikely to ruin your relationship if you're not asking for an amount that's drastically out of sync with the market for your labor, and (b) you have a track record of producing high-quality work. 

You won't lose your job just because you requested a review of your pay. 

It's like this: A raise is an acknowledgment that you're currently performing at a greater level than when your salary was previously established.  

An increase in compensation isn't an act of generosity; instead, it's a means for employers to ensure that they're paying a fair price for your labor and to keep you on the payroll since otherwise, you'll be looking for a new job that pays you more.  

When you begin to think your work is worth more, it's in your manager's best interest for them to know about it, too. 

2- Choose the right time for your company 

You should not ask for a raise at this time if your firm is struggling. You may be aware of your firm's financial condition as an employee.  

Cutbacks in spending or job cuts are two red flags to watch for. Be on the lookout for articles about your workplace or sector in the media.  

Please do your homework on a firm by reading its annual reports and financial statements. 

Even if the company's financial condition is sound, this study will be valuable when you meet with your manager. 

3- Consider your manager's mood 

 A raise may not be a good idea if you know your boss is overworked or preoccupied with other matters.  

Paying attention to your manager's moods and figuring out how you might support them is a good thing to include in your compensation discussion. 

4- Choose the right time of the year 

It's natural or comfortable to talk about money in many workplaces, and it's not always necessary.  

Some workplaces may hold annual or quarterly evaluations. If it's coming up, your employer may already expect to discuss your remuneration. 

Another possibility is the conclusion of the fiscal year. Budgeting and tax reporting are two of the most critical aspects of the fiscal year. If you're a business owner, you'll likely be making recruiting and salary plans for next year at this time of year. 

Make a note of these changes if you notice them coming up shortly. Ahead of time, you'll have an idea of what to say to your manager. 

5- Think of what you've accomplished  

If the firm is doing well and your boss isn't overworked, but a good moment to ask for a raise isn't available, take a look at your recent successes. 

 Is there a significant accomplishment you'd want to share with the world? Right now could be a perfect moment to make a raise request. 

When discussing a raise, be careful to include concrete examples of your accomplishments. Even if your boss is aware of your work in general, they may not know how outstanding it was in particular. 

6- Check out wage trends 

You may be wondering how much money to ask for. 

There is a price for every job. An acceptable range of values can be found for this number.  

Make a comparison between your present salary and the patterns you discover 

Where you land on that scale may impact the wage rise request you make. 

7- Consider your qualifications 

Make sure to consider your schooling and previous job experience, as well as any particular talents or traits you may have.  

These things improve your performance on the job and increase your worth. Your employer would consider these factors when setting your salary in an ideal world. 

You should compile a list of all your achievements. 

Identify those who had the most impact on the organization.  

The best way to demonstrate success is to utilize figures. The company's website saw a 20% month-over-month boost in traffic last quarter after it was revamped. 

You should identify a salary range or a percentage increase in income that you'd be prepared to accept. 

Consider that 3% is an average or even generous raise in salary. If you think your present salary is drastically out of harmony with what you're capable of earning, but you're afraid to ask for a raise, this may give you an idea of where to begin. 

8- Prepare a speech beforehand 

Make a list of what you'll say to gain a raise in advance of the meeting.  

Be aware that fear and anxiety are normal reactions while discussing money. One way to deal with these emotions is to create and practice a script. 

 If you practice it enough, you'll be able to keep to it even if you're apprehensive about the presentation. Throughout your speech, focus on the professional rather than personal reasons why you deserve this increase. 

9- Begin with a premise

The aim of the meeting should be stated explicitly at the start of the chat. You may want to start with something like: 

" I'm grateful that we were able to meet today," Maintaining a focus on the company's objectives and expanding personal responsibilities is something I'm eager to do in my present position. Consequently, I'd want to negotiate my compensation." 

10- Specify what you've learned 

If your manager is open to the discussion, make it plain to them that you desire a pay increase and present examples of your work to support your claim. 

You should always add a measure to demonstrate the worth of what you've done. Examples of successes supported by metrics include: 

"I organized and performed our most significant customer event to date over the past few months. Feedback from attendees exceeded last year's event satisfaction scores by an average of 8 out of 10. Since last year, lead generation has increased by 10%. 

"I've constantly exceeded my monthly sales quota, most recently hitting 128 percent of my monthly objective." 


If you'd like to boost your salary, here is a sample script: 

" Please accept my sincere gratitude for accepting to see me today. I'm eager to focus on the company's objectives and expand personal responsibilities in my present position. Because of this, I'd want to talk about what I make now." 

"A wage rise of X percent is acceptable based on the research I've done, which includes looking at averages for my job title in this metro region and factoring my duration here, my years of experience and skill set." 

"Several projects that have resulted in substantial gains for the firm were started since my last pay increase. I have [insert your most spectacular achievement] even in the previous several months. With these accomplishments under my belt, I feel like I'm ready for a promotion." 

Finally, express your gratitude  

Ask for a Raise
Your manager will appreciate it, no matter how the talk went. The next day or the next, write them a follow-up email outlining why you're asking for a raise and summarising what you discussed during your meeting. 

This email will make it easy for your boss to conduct a conversation on your behalf if they need to inquire about your rise from another source.  

If your request for a raise is rejected, this email will serve as a record of the exchange.  

A reference to this email can support a future request for a raise. 

Now, you can confidently ask for a raise; best of luck!