What to do if you get rejected in a job?


Being rejected is one of the toughest experiences that an individual can face in his/her career life! Rejection comes in many flavors. There are the non-responsive employers who don’t even acknowledge your application, or the no’s that come after the interview when you’ve come so close to the prize only to have it given to someone else. No one likes being rejected as it’s the worst situation that can make you doubt your own self-worth. However, don’t take it personally; rejection is actually a great time to reflect, evaluate the situation, and determine where you can improve next time. Here are psychological methods on how to deal with this event.

Don’t let job rejection throw you in a shallow swamp of negativity.

Remember that you should try to let the negativity go, as frustration won’t aid your continuing search for a new job. Also, remember that calling you for an interview is a strong evidence of your efficiency as plenty of candidates haven’t reached that stage. However, because you may want to re-apply for another job with the same employer in the same company, so don’t burn the bridges.

Don’t take it personally.

The “No” doesn’t underestimate your value as a person or your ability to perform the job requirements. This is just a business decision not a personal one. So, don’t take it personally. Bear in mind, you’re qualified enough, but someone may have beaten you out just with one or two accomplishments or skills to his credit.

Use the failure experience as a lesson.

As you’re trying to move forward, take a look backward to see what hasn’t work, try to figure out why. For instance, if you are applying to one specific job, to a new industry, or are attempting to switch careers. Altogether and continually, getting no results might be signs which you should reconsider and change your approach. If you’re getting repeated interviews, and even second interviews, and can’t quite close the deal, carefully review what you’ve said and the reactions you received, what did you say that caused your interviewer to frown or nod in agreement? Did you tailor your resume to that specific job? Did you actually research the company? However, being painfully honest with yourself now (no matter how humbling it is to admit to your own faults) will help you improve your methods and tactics in the future so that you can get an offer letter instead of cold rejection that will be frustrating. If you’re unsure about why you were turned down, it can be worth asking for constructive feedback. Although not all hiring managers will provide this, a simple phone call or email can potentially give you a clearer idea of you got rejected. There could be a good hidden reason why you were overlooked, which will put an end to your potential doubts. If it turns out there is a gap in your skillset, consider enrolling in a course. It could give you a real advantage when you apply for other roles.

Remember your achievements.

As you pass through frequent rejections, you’re susceptible to start viewing yourself as an unsuccessful person. Don’t let that mentality take hold. Instead, keep in mind your relevant key professional achievement and skill at every role you’ve held thus for recently or from near past. When you’ve a clear, accurate sense of yourself, you’ll be able to target appropriate opportunities and position yourself for success.

Realize that the hiring process extend far beyond the interview room.

Having a flawless resume and cover letter as well as going through the interview smoothly doesn’t mean you got the job. There are other factors that extend the walls of the interview room like your social media presence (was it clean?), was your profile photo on the resume suitable? , or were you decent enough when dealing with the receptionist?

Ask yourself what could you do better?

Determine the side which you can improve and focus on improving it, before applying to your next job. For instance, you may need to rehearse answers to some of the most common interview questions so you don’t ramble through aimless responses next time. Maybe you need to proofread your resume more carefully. Or, perhaps you need to be more through in your research to find jobs and organizations that are a better fit for you.

Keep your search process going on.

It can be tempting to put your job search on hold while you wait to hear back about a role, but it’s important to keep your job search in motion until you have accepted a position. Continue to stay in touch with your network of professional contacts and maintain contact with your recruitment professionals. This sort of proactive approach nurtures your confidence, and also helps to prevent your banking on a role that doesn’t land in your lap. Handling rejection is never easy but it does offer valuable opportunities to discover more about yourself and enhance your job search techniques. Good things are always worth waiting for, and with persistence and a positive outlook, your dream job could be just around the corner.

Stay Positive

Sustaining a positive mental attitude is an important part of dealing with job rejection. Maintain a strong outlook by treating yourself to rewarding behaviors. Meet with friends, maintain personal interests that fulfill your life outside work and exercise – it can be a great way to clear your head. Remember too, you’re not alone. The reality is that the number of people turned down for jobs often outweighs those who receive an offer. Focus on the next opportunity – it could take you one step closer to your dream role

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