How to Make "Me-time" When Your Schedule is Busy?


When you're working from home, your disappointment, burning out, and resentful feelings become on the rise because you feel that you spend your life working, eating, and sleeping only. 

Performing "me-time" activities to reward yourself doesn't need too much time. Yet, finding time to do what you love gives you motivation and passion for continuing your busy work week and your career as a whole. 

If you need to spend more quality free time (away from the endless busy schedule)- here are a few tips to help you make "Me time" when your schedule is busy. 

Define Your "Happy Activities."

Ask yourself: What I want to take time for? Then think about your answers that will range from reading, cooking, watching tv at night. Are these really the activities that will really make you happy? Find activities that you like taking time from your busy schedule to do them. 

Thinking will open the doors for many other unnoticed activities that will really recharge your energy. You've to practice one of your top favorite activities one time per day and invest more time in it during weekends and long holidays. 

Schedule Your "Me-time." 

If you keep giving promises to yourself, they'll remain promises. 

Schedule every activity you think can help you to feel relax. Treat your "me-time" activities as tasks that you have to do. They are as crucial as your scheduled tasks and meetings. 

Work from home blurs the line between work and life, so if you don't set precise work-free times, you'll spend your life working only, which will be exhausting. 

To set boundaries to the "constantly busy" days, schedule specific work-free periods. Like taking off-break from 2 to 3 p.m to enjoy cooking. 

Don't mix your work and life in all cases. If you wake up early one day, don't start your laptop and check your emails before the official work hours. It's your time; enjoy it as much as you can. 

Know Your Health Essentials

Do you know what is "Minimum viable product"?

It's a product development term that describes the product's readiness to be live for the users. It doesn't have to be perfect, and it can miss some features. 

Adopt this idea while thinking about your free time; consider your health must-haves. You can do activities such as drinking enough water, sleeping for 7 hours/day, taking short breaks to give a chance to your eyes, brain, and body to take a rest. 

These activities help in recharging your batteries to be more productive. 

Learn to Say, "No." 

Before taking on some additional tasks, think deeply of how these things will have a good or bad effect on your life. Think of your reasons for potentially saying yes": do you want to avoid making someone else feeling work overload? Do you persuade yourself that you have endless hours on your calendar? 

Practice saying "No" to accepting endless tasks without causing tension or feeling guilty. With practice, it will be much easier. 

Leave Electronics Aside

You're wasting your time on activities that you don't enjoy without realizing. 

You get pulled into your social media accounts, or TV shows most of your day. You may like these things, but they eat up all your free time without giving you any boosting energy. Turn your mobile phone, laptop off for an hour every day. Utilize your time doing what will make you happy, even if it consumes more effort than lazily browsing apps. 

Carving out a little time every day will lead to a larger sense of personal flexibility to do something you would love.

Pay Attention to Personal Life

The Key to taking out time for yourself is by understanding that your job isn't everything. To be a successful employee, you've to give more time to maintaining relationships with family and friends. So, if a friend invites you for lunch, don't apologize because you're busy doing tasks. Enjoy your time to give better work results.

Last words, 

Whenever you feel you need a break, take it. This will alleviate your stress feeling and help you focus more on accomplishing your tasks because you've already spent the quality time you need. 

I've noticed that by creating "me time" a little more functional, it's good to maintain yourself accountable; it's hard to recall when you don't have the time to breathe, but it's fairly evident when you don't get through the chapter of the book you said you were going to read. You have a specific thing to look forward to, and you're not going to feel like you're wasting your time.

You should also learn more about how to deal with coworkers remotely and check out 5 Ways for Employees to Have a More Productive Winter

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