How to schedule your day for maximum productivity when you’re unemployed?


How to schedule your day for maximum productivity when you’re unemployed?

Unemployment is a stage embodied by contradictory emotions that mix relaxation, frustration, laziness, hope and many other feelings together. It’s the stage where you feel upside down and confused about how to schedule a successful daily plan in which you can develop yourself more in terms of knowledge and practical skills. In addition to taking advantage of the free time to find time for yourself to enjoy improving your health by practicing workouts and starting healthy lifestyles as well as developing your hobbies and exploring new talents until you find a new suitable job.

The suggested schedule plan that we are going to demonstrate may not be suitable for all people, but it’s the most suitable plan that ensures covering all the aspects and making the best out of being unemployed and dealing with it as a job instead of a vacation.

How to schedule your day when you’re unemployed?

7:30 am - Wake up, wear your gym shorts and dust off your yoga mat.

A Belgian Research highlighted the importance of the early morning working out before breakfast as it supports you with energy and helps you achieve your fitness goals.

8:15am - Have a zestful shower.

Enjoy pouring the cold or lukewarm water on your body and start pondering serenely the meaning of life and what you truly want to get out of it.

8:30am - Eat a healthy breakfast and sip your coffee outdoors.

Researches suggest that eating within an hour of waking boost your mood and mind, and exposure to natural light in the morning stimulates your body to stop secreting Melatonin Hormone (sleeping hormone) which will in return make you active. In addition, sunlight is a natural antidepressant.

9-12am - Search for and apply to long- term jobs.

First of all, make sure your resume is up-to-date. Write a customized cover letter for each job, make sure to include all the job details, show your value, infuse some of your personality, use phrases from the job description, and include only relevant information.

12-1pm - Eat lunch.

Take a one hour break for lunch. You can watch TV throughout this break if you like although walking in the park is better. However, keep your lunch light so that you can maintain your energy levels.

1-2pm - Search for and apply to short-term jobs.

If you’re not earning an income and don’t have rainy-days funds to fall back on, things can get tight quickly. Spend an hour each day applying for jobs that can hold you over while you are looking for a more sustainable job.

2-3pm - Learn a new skill.

3-4pm - Network.

Networking is an important step in finding a job. Use this time to email contacts you might have in the industry, set up and attend coffee meetings, and follow up with the contacts.

4-6pm - Volunteer

In Volunteering, you don’t only give but indeed you acquire. Volunteering boosts your spirits, gain experience, and add something special to your resume.

6pm and above-Socialize and relax.

After a hardworking day, Disconnect! Socialize with your family and friends to maintain your sanity and general capabilities. Do whatever you like to enjoy yourself.

At the end, try to use your own ways that are driven by your unique personality to utilize this period as best as you can to avoid any frustration or guilty feelings.

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