PS: Your Cover Letter is the Reason for Not Getting A Job


Do you feel lost when you think of cover letters? Are you sending job applications with no cover letters? Keep doing this, and you'll never get a job.

A Cover letter is such a simple letter capable of doing great things. It must be attached to your resume while sending job applications. You have no chance of being successfully accepted for a job without a strong cover letter.

Your cover letter is your key to having your resume read by the recruiter, so what makes it catastrophic? Luckily, we've listed several reasons.

Discover Why Your Cover Letter is the Reason for Not Getting a Job.


Your cover letter is a copy of your resume

Your cover letter should be different from your resume. Copying the same information in both resume and cover letter will show that you don't do your homework and exert an effort in tailoring your application.

Update your cover letter and show how you're the perfect candidate for the job.

You mention too much/ too little information

Your cover letter should be from 200 to 300 words (less than a page). Please don't make it a story, and don't make it a slogan.

Your cover letter is dull and dusty

If you read your cover letter and feel that you're struggling in a room of boredom, the recruiter will feel the same way. Maintain vividness by using action verbs and avoid overusing "I" and "the" in every sentence.

Your cover letter has no keywords

Read the job ad and job description carefully. Demonstrate that you do your homework. When your application is scanned either by the ATS or the recruiter, those keywords will jump out and convince them.

Your cover letter has no company or job details

You should research both the company and the position before sending your application and insert sentences into your cover letter that shows you exerted an effort doing your research. This differentiates you from others and shows your commitment to the job.

Spelling and grammar mistakes

A single mistyped word can totally change the essence of what you want to say. Spend time proofreading your cover letter. Take advantage of the latest automated checkers like Grammarly to send a zero errors cover letter.

Your cover letter has negative words

We all are going through a callous time with millions lost their jobs, so you are not alone in the boat. Keep optimistic about your prospective new beginning. The worst cover letter is that of someone who complains about everything and appreciates nothing.

Your cover letter is generic

No cover letter can fit all jobs. You should tailor your cover letter (and resume) to each job ad and requirements using the "keywords" which are your door to get the job.

Your cover letter is a template

You opened your browser, typed "Cover letter template," downloaded, and started filling in the blanks with your details... the result is: not getting invited for the interview.

Keep in mind that recruiters are now working on "talent acquisition," so you've to be unique and don't use a template used by dozens of candidates before you.

Your cover letter is a "boasting letter"

There is a fine line between mentioning your success and boasting overtly. Stay professional and humble as much as you can.

Your cover letter has humor attempts

Not everyone accepts the sense of humor. In your cover letter, don't say something funny. Just keep a formal attitude.

Your cover letter doesn't follow the instructions

When you apply for a job, most businesses have very detailed instructions. Precisely meet them, no modifications.

Check here for more interview tips and Apply for the latest jobs.