We are not Superhumans; we are Women!


One of the questions I'm commonly asked is how I balance being a full-time working woman and a mom.

And one of the funniest remarks I heard recently is whether I have two separate personalities, being this tough at work but vulnerable in "real life."

So, there is only one response to that—even though the rest of the world might think we are superhumans, this is ultimately your only choice if you're a woman!

Working women challenges:

It is no secret that being a woman in the workplace has challenges that men may not need to face, whether it is the daily bias and stereotypes, the discrimination when it comes to promotion opportunities, or the lack of representation in leading roles.

But still, we can see many women surpassing these obstacles, drawing their roads to a higher position, and becoming role models for their female colleagues and men!

But how can they make it?

1- Communication:

 Women are often strong communicators and can build strong relationships with coworkers, clients, and customers. Our ability to put our thoughts into words makes it easier for us to win in many tough situations.

2- Emotional intelligence:

Women are often empathetic and can be skilled at understanding and managing emotions, both their own and others. A woman leader, in general has a higher ability than her male colleague to understand the emotional needs of her team members and can therefore build a stronger bond with them, leading them to higher achievements.   

3- Collaboration:

 Women tend to be collaborative and team-oriented, which can be valuable in many workplaces. You can always spot a woman volunteering to help or take extra tasks, or making the first step towards handling a new responsibility.

4- Multitasking:

Women often have to juggle multiple responsibilities, which can make them adept at multitasking and time management.

Have you ever spotted a man on the phone while writing an email and checking up on another colleague?

5- Resilience:

Women have faced many obstacles in real life and the workplace and have shown resilience and perseverance in overcoming them. And whenever you become resilient, you can achieve whatever goal you set for yourself.

Working Women and Remote Work:

Given all these qualities, women know they can eventually make it, but only one obstacle is still present: work-life balance.

And many women lately found the solution by choosing remote opportunities.

Indeed, it is not easy to manage your household and work tasks simultaneously, but being able to organize and set priorities for each permits working mothers to be there for their children while not having to quit on their dreams. This is why more women are looking for remote opportunities and more flexibility in the workplace.

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Working Women VS Women:

Yes, you read right, and no, I didn’t make any typos here. People generally speak about women vs men, as if a man was the only component, but did you hear about the Queen Bee syndrome?

Queen bee syndrome is a phenomenon where women in positions of power or leadership may act hostile or unsupportive toward other women in the same or lower positions, often by belittling, criticizing, or excluding them.

This behavior is observed in some women in male-dominated workplaces and may occur due to the perception of other women as a threat to hard-won success or pressure to conform to masculine norms.

How can we overcome this?

Women in leadership positions should try to counteract this behavior by promoting and supporting women's leadership, encouraging collaboration and mentorship, and addressing systemic barriers to women's success.

Working Women and the Empty Tank:

2023 has witnessed many resignations of women leaders, the most famous scenario of which is the resignation of the prime minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern.

According to a McKinsey survey, women have greater rates of burnout than males, which has been compounded by the epidemic as they have taken on additional obligations at home while managing their employment.

Burnout can also be caused by the drive for perfection and the expectation of being present at work. It is critical for women to have early dialogues about their careers and to question the system to establish a more supportive workplace. Managers and leaders must, however, be engaged and receptive to this.

Female leaders like Ardern and Sturgeon deliberately decided to stand down while their reputations were still high, showing leadership's toll on women.

How can we overcome this?

There are numerous techniques for women to overcome workplace burnout:

  1. Set Boundaries: draw clear lines between your professional and personal life. This entails creating and sticking to a schedule, prioritizing responsibilities, and avoiding work-related activities during off-hours.
  2. Practice self-care: Regular exercise, meditation, or other relaxation practices can assist in managing stress and avoiding burnout. Taking breaks during the day and scheduling time for activities you like is also critical.
  3. Seek support: you should not be reluctant to seek help from coworkers, mentors, or friends. This can reduce stress and serve as a sounding board for ideas or worries.
  4. Challenge unrealistic expectations: try to confront unrealistic expectations, both your own and those of others. This entails setting attainable objectives, communicating your needs, and advocating for yourself when necessary.


As we face job hurdles and strive for success, it's critical to recognize the emotional toll it can take. Being a great employee while still being a present, committed parent or caregiver is difficult. It's easy to feel as if we're always juggling, never able to fully concentrate on one thing without feeling guilty about neglecting another.

Yet, despite these challenges, we continue to persevere. And when we succeed, we feel a wonderful sense of accomplishment and pride.

So, to all the women out there navigating the complexities of the workplace and striving for success, know that you're not alone in your struggles. It's okay to feel overwhelmed or exhausted sometimes, but remember to take care of yourself and seek support when needed. And never forget the incredible strength and determination that lies within you because, in the end, we are only humans!